Original poster
To download the image, click on "Save as" or "Save as" or
Poster PDF
Poster JPG

Customizable poster
To be used by the communication services of municipalities and other institutions. Download the most convenient version and customize the central spot with information about the TransAlentejo Pedestrian Walk in your county.
Lettering used in the global poster: Arial Bold
The following image is for demonstration purposes only.
Below you will find the links to download the originals.

PDF Original 3,6Mb
PDF Compress 0,6Mb
JPG Original 1,9Mb

FONT Gorila BT

CorelDraw21 4,4Mb
CorelDraw19 4,4Mb
CorelDraw15 4,4Mb
CorelDraw12 3,1Mb

To download the image, click on "Save as" or "Save as"
Then post on your social media


| TransAlentejo Walking Festival .
Festival de Caminhadas TransAlentejo . Festival de Senderismo TransAlentejo |
| An initiative promoted by Turismo do Alentejo ERT, Portugal | An event PORTUGAL WALKING FESTIVAL by SAL |
| info@transalentejo.com | Tel (+351) 919 361 725 mobile phone network |
| Supported by Turismo de Portugal IP |

| Participation of Alentejo Municipalities, Parish Councils and Tour Operators, in collective governance |
| Support for the international promotion of ARPTA Agency for International Promotion of Alentejo |
| Consultancy and technical support for the event by SAL Sistemas de Ar Livre | www.sal.pt | sal@sal.pt |
| SAL®, TransAlentejo® and Portugal Walking Festival® are trademarks of Sistemas de Ar Livre Lda |