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As imagens estão colocadas por ordem de adesão ao Festival TransAlentejo

| TransAlentejo Walking Festival .
Festival de Caminhadas TransAlentejo . Festival de Senderismo TransAlentejo |
| An initiative promoted by Turismo do Alentejo ERT, Portugal | An event PORTUGAL WALKING FESTIVAL by SAL |
| | Tel (+351) 919 361 725 mobile phone network |
| Supported by Turismo de Portugal IP |

| Participation of Alentejo Municipalities, Parish Councils and Tour Operators, in collective governance |
| Support for the international promotion of ARPTA Agency for International Promotion of Alentejo |
| Consultancy and technical support for the event by SAL Sistemas de Ar Livre | | |
| SAL®, TransAlentejo® and Portugal Walking Festival® are trademarks of Sistemas de Ar Livre Lda |